Free design a glove competition
Congradulations to all who have taken part in the ID SPORTS design your glove competition 2020.The finalist in the 3 age sections have now been selected. Voting is free and is open until Friday the 8th of May until 5pm winners will be announced at 6pm on the same day
Just click on the following link and with up to €1000 in prizes every vote will count.
The finalist are as follows

The finalist for the design your glove competition will be announced tomorrow Monday the 4th of May at 11am.
After a huge entry of over 800 designs we want to thank everyone that has entered and it was a really hard decision to select the finalists as all entries were really good.
We have broke it down into 3 age groups. Age 6-7 years, age 8-9 years and age 10-13 years.The winner from each age group will receive 20 pairs of gloves produced in there design for themselves and 19 of there school or club team mates So 60 pairs of gloves in total a brilliant prize.
Everyone will be able to vote for the design they like best and whoever gets the most votes in each age group will win. Second and third place will also receive a prize. Best of luck everyone 👍
After a huge entry of over 800 designs we want to thank everyone that has entered and it was a really hard decision to select the finalists as all entries were really good.
We have broke it down into 3 age groups. Age 6-7 years, age 8-9 years and age 10-13 years.The winner from each age group will receive 20 pairs of gloves produced in there design for themselves and 19 of there school or club team mates So 60 pairs of gloves in total a brilliant prize.
Everyone will be able to vote for the design they like best and whoever gets the most votes in each age group will win. Second and third place will also receive a prize. Best of luck everyone 👍
Competition Time @ ID SPORTS
Do you want to win 20 pairs of GAA gloves for you team or school, here at ID SPORTS we specialize in custom made sportswear for clubs, schools and colleges and produce them in whatever colour, design or style they want.
Here is your chance to design your own GAA football gloves in any colour or design you want, be creative use club or school colours add club or school crests the list is endless its up to you its your design.
And once we get back to production the winning gloves will be produced for you and 19 of your friends.
So get your creative thinking hats on and get drawing
CLOSING DATE is Thursday the 30th of April @6pm
Print out the flyer attached (or draw something similar if you dont have a printer)when your design is completed take a picture and email your entry to and include name contact details , age you are entering under along with what school or club you want the gloves for.
There is 3 age groups age 6-9 years, age 10-13 years and age 14-16 years
The palm of the glove will be plain black you will be designing the back of the glove and the ID SPORTS logo will be one the wrist support strap
Competition closes Thursday the 30th of April @ 6pm
Winners will be announced Monday the 4th of May @ 11am on Facebook so make sure you like our page so not to miss out.
Please like and share this as it is a great project for the kids at home to get involved in where they are free to use there imagination and then see the finish product when we make the gloves they designed.
Best of luck everyone